Showing posts with label Migration Paper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Migration Paper. Show all posts

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Confirmation of Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides migration by satellite telemetry

Publication of the results from a study of the movements of a Little Eagle out of the breeding season using data downloaded from a GPS satellite transmitter fitted to the bird.

Brawata. R., Rae. S., Gruber.B, Reid. S. & Roberts, D. (2019). Confirmation of little eagle (Hieraaetus morphnoides) migration by satellite telemetry. Australian Journal of Zoology, 66(4): 247-250. 

Abstract. The post-breeding migration of an adult male little eagle (Hieraaetus morphnoides) was followed from south-eastern Australia to the Northern Territory using a GPS satellite transmitter. The bird bred in open woodland habitat on the edge of the city of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory (ACT), before it flew more than 3300 km in 18 days, to winter in an area of eucalypt savannah in the Northern Territory. It remained there for 59 days, within a range of ~30 km2 , after which the last signal was transmitted. The bird was subsequently resighted back in its ACT territory at the end of winter, thus completing a return migration. This is the first confirmation of post-breeding migration for the species.

Map showing the north western movement of the male Little Eagle from Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory, to Kalala Station, near Daly Waters in the Northern Territory.

The study group have fitted GPS tags to 13 Little Eagles to date and continue to monitor their movements. Other birds have so far been recorded as far west as the York Peninsula in South Australia around eastern parts of New South Wales and Queensland, then north as far as the Cape York Peninsula.

Acknowledgment to J Olsen who helped by catching and tagging the first bird followed in this study.