Saturday, August 29, 2020

 Distant views

Real life eagle-watching is not like that portrayed on television. The birds are seldom seen in frame-filling format, rather they are specks in the sky or faintly discernable shapes sitting in trees. These views of Little Eagles in a tree next to their nest tree, give a true impression of the view of eagles through a telescope. Click on the images to see more detail.

This female was quite difficult to spot when she was sitting upright. It was only when she moved, and leaned forward that she became just a little more obvious.

Movement is often the main betrayal of any bird's position and when her partner flew onto the branch, the two of them called bringing more attention to their presence.

The Little Eagles in the ACT area are now settling to breed and mating is frequently seen. This pair's nest has been built up with fresh branches and leafy twigs, ready for eggs. And another pair already have an egg, laid on the 19th of August.